This has been a wonderful semester full of learning curves, successes, and reflection. Through various blog posts, tweets and in class discussions, I believe that I have contributed to others' learning in the best way I can. You will find that many of my comments are structured similar (taken from my ECS 400 Assessment course) - compliments on their strengths, an idea from improvement, ending with a motivational ending sentence.
Blog Post Comments
The following screenshots are just a few of the many comments that I had contributed to others' learning projects. (click the arrows left and right to scroll through the screenshots provided))
Many of my comments on other's tweets were motivational and compliments, which I believe is also crucial in the learning process! Who doesn't like some good motivation?! Below entail links to just a few tweets of many, many that I contributed to.
The ones bolded are my more structured feedback replies to tweets.
This is just a fun one, but Google Nest responded to my Tweet I made!

Contributions in Class
To date, I feel as though my contributions in class were consistent and effective. While being mindful of other's opinions, I stated my own and took giving constructive feedback very seriously. I often threw in a joke or sarcasm here and there to lighten the mood of other students. The screenshot below was in the chat of one of our classes. Margaret was feeling as though she was not "in" with the modern phrases, dances, etc. So, I sent her this message.
I believe that just simply knowing someone is there to help can improve a persons motivation and mood immediately. I tried my best to show people this semester that I am approachable and easy to talk to!